
Instances of the message class represent IRC messages in a format like the one described in RFC1459. This is used for the client protocol as well as all currently-supported linking protocols.



If only one argument is passed to the constructor, a new message is created from the given data.

my $msg = message->new(':nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #channel :Hi!');


Constructs a new message.

my $msg = message->new(command => 'PRIVMSG')


  • command - IRC command name
  • source - optional, command source. user or server objects are permitted as well as strings
  • params - optional, array reference of command parameters, or a single value is fine if there is just one parameter. strings and IRC objects are permitted. undefined or empty parameters are ignored
  • tags - optional, hash reference of message tags. string keys, values may be of any type mentioned above for params
  • data - optional, IRC data

Message data

IRC data, source, and command.


Retrieves or constructs IRC data for this message.

my $data = message->new(
    source  => $user,
    command => 'privmsg',
    params  => ['#channel', 'Hello everyone']

say $data; # :nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #channel :Hello everyone!

Returns the data.


If the data option is provided to the constructor, it is always used for the value of $msg->data. This method overrules that, so that after providing data and making other changes you can force the message data to be reconstructed.

my $msg = message->new(':nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #channel :Hi!');
$msg->add_tag(account => 'someone');
my $data = $msg->reset_data->data;

Returns the message.


If the data option is NOT provided to the constructor, you may set it later. In this case, ->parse will up the source, command, and other values.

Do not call ->parse when providing data to the constructor. The message is parsed automatically in that case.

my $msg = message->new(command => 'PONG', params => '');
$msg->{data} = 'PING';
say $msg->command; # PING

Returns nothing if there is no data associated with the message. Otherwise, returns the message.


say message->new('ping')->command; # PING

Returns the command in uppercase.


say message->new('ping')->raw_cmd; # ping

Returns the command in the case it was provided.


my $msg = message->new(':nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #channel :spam');
my $user = $msg->source or die "Can't find Nick\\n";
$user->get_killed_by($me, 'Please don\\'t spam!');

Returns the message source object. It may be a server or user object. It could also be a connection object if the message was received from an unregistered client. If a source cannot be resolved, returns undef.


In message handlers, this returns the fire object.

Message parameters

Fetch and resolve message parameters.


my @params = $msg->params;

Returns a list of raw parameters.


my $msg   = message->new(':nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #channel :Hi everyone')
my $param = $msg->param(1); # 'Hi everyone'

Returns the parameter at the given index.


Given a format string, parses raw parameters.

This is used to verify parameter data types and to conveniently convert nicks to user objects, channel names to channel objects, etc. Base::UserCommands and the server protocol APIs use these for the command registry params option.

my $msg = message->new(':nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #channel :Hi everyone');
my ($ok, $channel, $message) = $msg->parse_params('channel *');
die "Failed to parse" if !$ok;
say "The message to ", $channel->name, " says: ", $message;

Returns ($ok, @params). $ok is true if the parameters were successfully aligned with the given format; @params is the list of resultant parameters.

Universal matchers

These matchers are provided for all messages. Others may be available for the specific protocol being used.

  • -message - injects the message object
  • -event - injects the event
  • -data - injects the data
  • -command - injects the command

Client protocol matchers

These matchers are available to all messages of the IRC client protocol.

  • -oper - requires that the source of the command is an IRC operator
    • oper flags may be passed as options comma-separated. if the user does not have one or more of them, the match fails
    • if the conditions are not met, send ERR_NOPRIVILEGES
  • server - matches a server name, yielding a server object
    • if the server does not exist, sends ERR_NOSUCHSERVER
  • server_mask - matches a server mask, which may be an absolute server name or may contain wildcards
    • if the local server matches, it is always preferred
    • if multiple other servers match, the result is unpredictable
    • if no servers match, sends ERR_NOSUCHSERVER
  • user - matches a nick, yielding a user object
    • if the user does not exist, sends ERR_NOSUCHNICK
  • channel - matches a channel name, yielding a channel object
    • if the channel does not exist, sends ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL
    • option inchan requires that the source of the message is in the channel in order to match; if not, sends ERR_NOTONCHANNEL

Message tags

Message tags allow additional named parameters to be tagged onto existing message types.


Fetches all message tags.

my $msg = message->new('@account=nicholas :nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #channel :hi');
my $tags = $msg->tags;
say 'nick is logged in as ', $tags->{account};

Returns a hash reference of message tags.


Fetches a message tag value.

my $msg = message->new('@account=nicholas :nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #channel :hi');
say 'nick is logged in as ', $msg->tag('account');

$msg->set_tag($key => $value)

Sets a message tag value.

my $msg = message->new(':nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #channel :hi');
$msg->set_tag(account => 'nicholas');
say $msg->data; # @account=nicholas :nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #channel :hi

Message batch

Batches allow messages to be grouped as relating to a single operation.

message->new_batch($batch_type, @params)

Creates a new batch.

my $batch = message->new_batch('netsplit', $server->parent->name, $server->name);

Returns a message for the BATCH command to start the batch, with an automatically allocated identifier.

The returned message can be used for the batch option of user send functions. This will magically associate the messages with the batch if the user supports the necessary capabilities.


Terminates a batch.

my $batch = message->new_batch('netsplit', $server->parent->name, $server->name);
my $msg = message->new(source => $user, command => 'QUIT', params => $reason);

Returns a message for the BATCH command to end the batch.

If the batch was used as the batch option of user send functions, each user who received messages belonging to this batch will automatically be sent the batch termination message upon calling ->end_batch.


For any message, sets the batch to which it belongs. This adds the batch message tag and stores internally that it belongs to the given batch.

my $batch = message->new_batch('netsplit', $server->parent->name, $server->name);
my $msg = message->new(source => $user, command => 'QUIT', params => $reason);

Message propagation

In handlers for server protocol messages, these methods are provided for message propagation.

$msg->broadcast($event_name => @args)

Forwards the message to all uplinks besides the one we received it from.

$msg->broadcast(nick_change => $user);

$msg->forward_plus_one($event_name => @args)

Forwards the message to all uplinks, even the one we received it from.

$msg->forward_plus_one(oper => $user, @flags);

$msg->forward_to($server, $event_name => @args)

Forwards the message to a specific server.

$msg->forward_to($t_server, whois => $user, $t_user, $t_server);

$msg->forward_to_mask($server_mask, $event_name => @args)

Forwards the message to all servers matching a mask.

$msg->forward_to_mask($serv_mask, sasl_host_info => @common, $data, $ip);