Channel modes

Listed here are all supported channel modes and their default letters and types. Letters can be changed in the configuration.


no_ext        = [ mode_normal, 'n' ]  # no external channel messages         (n)
protect_topic = [ mode_normal, 't' ]  # only operators can set the topic     (t)
invite_only   = [ mode_normal, 'i' ]  # you must be invited to join          (i)
free_invite   = [ mode_normal, 'g' ]  # you do not need op to invite         (g)
free_forward  = [ mode_normal, 'F' ]  # you do not need op in forwad channel (F)
oper_only     = [ mode_normal, 'O' ]  # you need to be an ircop to join      (O)
moderated     = [ mode_normal, 'm' ]  # only voiced and up may speak         (m)
secret        = [ mode_normal, 's' ]  # secret channel                       (s)
private       = [ mode_normal, 'p' ]  # private channel, hide and no knocks  (p)
ban           = [ mode_list,   'b' ]  # channel ban                          (b)
mute          = [ mode_list,   'Z' ]  # channel mute ban                     (Z)
except        = [ mode_list,   'e' ]  # ban exception                        (e)
invite_except = [ mode_list,   'I' ]  # invite-only exception                (I)
access        = [ mode_list,   'A' ]  # Channel::Access module list mode     (A)
limit         = [ mode_pset,   'l' ]  # Channel user limit mode              (l)
forward       = [ mode_pset,   'f' ]  # Channel forward mode                 (f)
key           = [ mode_key,    'k' ]  # Channel key mode                     (k)
permanent     = [ mode_normal, 'P' ]  # do not destroy channel when empty    (P)
reg_only      = [ mode_normal, 'r' ]  # only registered users can join       (r)
ssl_only      = [ mode_normal, 'S' ]  # only SSL users can join              (S)
strip_colors  = [ mode_normal, 'c' ]  # strip mIRC color codes from messages (c)
op_moderated  = [ mode_normal, 'z' ]  # send blocked messages to channel ops (z)
join_throttle = [ mode_pset,   'j' ]  # limit join frequency N:T             (j)
no_forward    = [ mode_normal, 'Q' ]  # do not forward users to this channel (Q)
large_banlist = [ mode_normal, 'L' ]  # allow lots of entries on lists       (L)
owner  = [ 'q', '~',  2    ]          # channel owner                        (q)
admin  = [ 'a', '&',  1    ]          # channel administrator                (a)
op     = [ 'o', '@',  0    ]          # channel operator                     (o)
halfop = [ 'h', '%', -1, 0 ]          # channel half-operator                (h)
voice  = [ 'v', '+', -2    ]          # voiced channel member                (v)

Not yet supported

These mode names are reserved for future use and possibly tracked by juno when linking to other IRCd, but they are not yet supported by juno.

no_nicks    = [ mode_normal, 'N' ]
admin_only  = [ mode_normal, 'W' ]
censor      = [ mode_list,   'g' ]